Every year, Design For Change SA runs the I CAN Challenge inviting youth-led stories of change to be submitted (at no charge) to the global Design For Change movement and to then be considered as country representatives, cultural representatives or attendees at the global Be The Change celebration.

We are inviting youth whose Stories Of Change are submitted to our DFC SA I CAN 2024 Challenge to participate in the following amazing youth leadership opportunities at the Global Be the Change (BTC) Celebration, which is taking place in Dubai this year.

  • As the Story Of Change and Cultural representatives if their project is selected to represent the country*

  • As Attendees who get to meet with youth leaders from over 20 countries*

* See BTC information and participation fees here

BTC youth representatives and attendees are considered as nominees for the prestigious Design For Change Global Student Council opportunity.

The DFC SA I CAN 2024 Challenge is open until September 27th! Enter today!

Use our four steps, FEEL > IMAGINE > DO > SHARE to submit a story of change that is:

  • Led by children/ youth ( 6 - 18 years )

  • Addresses an issue affecting the lives of the young people involved

  • Demonstrates an original solution to the issue

  • Impacts people affected by the issue in a positive way

It is completely free to submit a youth-led story of change!

Should you require any guided assistance, write to us at (email) to book a consultation:

1.5 hour online on Zoom, R3,500, max 20 participant

Submit a youth-led story of change by September 27th to enable youth to be considered for our life-changing opportunities!